Friday, February 29, 2008

The Boathouse

Imagine a place where you can take your family and friends. A cabin in the middle of nowhere and just close enough to home to make you feel comfortable. Well this is that place for me. I wish I could get there more often than I do, but even just knowing this place exists for me, is enough to keep a smile on my face.

In this photo I am trying to convey the serene feeling one gets while "up north". I know you ask yourself why would you want to live in Minnesota? I think it's mostly because of the changes we get to see each year. Of course it gets bitterly cold here in the winter and I get shut-in disease just about the time Spring pops up in my front yard.

I think this photo expresses everything that is Cabin oriented. The boathouse, the knowledge that there is a boat inside you can get into and tour the lake and of course the calm and solid looking water. When I look at this photo I can't help but smile. I hope you smile when you see it also.


1 comment:

lollya said...

This photo is beautiful. We'd love a print for our place sometime (if you order). Really cool shot.